Thursday, June 02, 2005

Bay Area Selections 2002

Here are pictures from my last big show. I never got around to posting them on my main web site, although there are pix of the pieces with some commentary on how they were made. Just click the "Michelle's Web Site" linky on the right there, then click on the book image, then select "new work 1999-2001", which will show the sad state of my website. Then click on the thumbnail images to get pithy commentary by myself.

It's funny, I built all these pieces in a tiny studio at cricket engine. Now that I have a large studio here at home, I have no desire to make large work. I suppose it is because all of these pieces are living in my hallway and under the stairs at the moment.

I seem to have gotten the plumb-bob, pendulum motif out of my system. I started another series of small ones and it fizzled out. But I did photograph a series on how they are made, which I will post in a bit. It shows me making a small one, but I use virtually the same technique for the large ones.

The show was a juried award show at the Richmond Art Center in 2002. It was juried by Arthur Gonzalez, Richard Shaw and Carrie Lederer. The other 3 recipients were Kim Tucker, Monica Van den Dool, and Shalene Valenzuela. An all girl clay show.

(Name dropping side note. Kim is a long time friend of the Hernandez family of Love and Rockets comix fame. Mario showed up while we were installing and told me he loved my drawing style. Weex! One of those "kill me now, lord", moments: "I'll go happy".)

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