Monday, June 06, 2005

Back in Civilization

This weekend Alex and I headed to parts north to attend a wedding of friends. It was an all weekend affair at Pinecrest's Bear Lair. The camp is dotted with tent cabins which were billed as "rustic". It was more tent than cabin. The mattresses were ancient. I am spoiled by my recent gift to myself of a mattress topper of memory foam, and I wished for it dreadfully. Alex is one of those people who can sleep on a slab of concrete, so he had no trouble, except that his mattress was two inches lower than mine. Even with the twin cots shoved together, we had a significant gap.

Still it was a beautiful site. My last foray into the wilderness was over ten years ago, and I forgot how cool it is. If it got internet, I would go more often.

For some reason all that peace and quiet gave me insomnia. I tried all of my tricks and managed to induce short Benedryl comas, but not real sleep. I got to go to the wedding ceremony, but afterwards one beer and a few snacks and I was totally beat. Alex limped me back to the tent cabin and I slept like one dead. Evidently I missed quite the saturnalia of a reception. Alex was eyewitness to many events, but he unfortunately did not have the camera, so all I have to offer is pictures of trees and other neat shit. For the picture of two guests mooning the camera with the bride posed between them you will have to apply elsewhere.

Beer and wine were served at the reception, but everyone came armed with poisonous amounts of liquor. As people showed up to check in on Friday morning, we all inventoried who had how much of what. It was cute in a sad way, like children with candy. The wedding was at 4 pm on Saturday. Most of it was gone by 3 am Sunday morning. I was practically the only one not hungover the next morning. The breakfast buffet served in the camp dining hall looked like a line of zombies who really needed bacon.

Still and all it was nice to hang out with people that I don't see very often. By 10:30 on Sunday I was ready to scream from all the peace and quiet, so we buggered on outta there. I got home, kissed my computer hello, and slept in the arms of memory foam.

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