Thursday, August 23, 2007

OK Not Tomorrow

Hi all,

More from the front lines of public edu-macation.

Today was our first "block day". It's an extended pair of days for longer class times for students. Wednesday is for odd periods and Thursday is for even days. I teach even days so I had Weds. off and taught all day today.

I was stressed out about the new schedule. My 2nd period starts at 8:35 on block day, so getting across the Bay is kind of scary. I had a bad experience in the spring last year, where Bart was REALLY late and I was five minutes late to class despite giving myself an hour cushion. Usually I am in my classroom a 1/2 before class starts. My paranoia about being where I'm supposed to be on time extends to my professional life.

It's funny. When I was a student, I used to have dreams about coming into a class and finding that I was supposed to be there all year to graduate and the final was in session and I knew nothing about it. Now that I'm a teacher, I'm having teacher anxiety dreams. I dream that I open my door and find that there is a group of students there that I've never seen before. They clamor around me and say "We've been coming here all year and you are never here to teach us! We need to pass this final to graduate!! Where have you been?"


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