Friday, August 17, 2007

First Friday

Today was the finish of the first week. Boy, the learning curve of last year is really paying off. I feel so much more on top of things. There are some changes. This year our program (CSM credit for the class) is accepting freshman. At first I had misgivings, as it has been awhile since I taught the younglings that young. But it's turning out to be great so far. Today was our first rally (that should read RAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY!!!!! they are loud!) and I remembered how terrified I was in my first week as a high school nOOb. Like barf-feelings. I remembered to ask if my 9th graders knew where the rally was and led them successfully to the big gym and to where they were going to be sitting.

It's a small thing, and they probably won't remember it, but I feel good knowing I did it. After the rally, a student called to me across the great court who couldn't get his locker open. I opened it and he was on time to class.

I was so neurotic as a kid, I HAD to know where all my rooms were located before school. I HAD to be on time. Any little hitch sent me into a meltdown. I think that's the best part of my job: locating possible meltdown situations for my students and easing them past the danger.

Of course, you can't foresee everything, and that's hard. It's scary knowing that you are trusted and that you can fail.

More tomorrow.

MPK (aka Ms. Kern)

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