Saturday, July 19, 2008

I promise I'm not going to turn this into a video blog...

Jon Stewart Interview

Blogger's hating the embed code so follow the link to hear how David Sedaris quit smoking.

I saw this broadcast on The Daily Show during "Week 2" of my quit. I'd heard of David Sedaris but naturally like everything else, I am the last one getting around to him. This broadcast was the only thing to put a smile on my face that week. I just bought Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim and finished it pretty fast. I bought myself some books to celebrate Month 3. I also got Steampunk (edited by Ann & Jeff Vandermeer) and Collapse by Jared Diamond.



BoneFolder said...

Wife just bought me the new Sedaris last month -- haven't gotten to it yet. "Naked" and "Me Talk Pretty One Day" are fantastic.

I am usually skeptical of audiobooks read by the author (I find all too often that there is a REASON they are writers). But the way Sedaris reads his own stuff really adds a lot. So if you like audiobooks those will prove really enjoyable.

MPK said...

That's good to know. Yesterday I downloaded "Me Talk Pretty One Day" from emusic. I was hoping it would be good, because Sedaris's voice is a little creaky.

Hey, I lost the link to your blog! Are you still keeping it up or did you switch over to (the also excellent) ArtPlay link? I forgot to bookmark when I visited last.

D'oh. Have a great weekend!


BoneFolder said...

My Flickr is updated more often (and you can peek at my latest Photoshop WIP):

And then there's