Two months today of not smoking! I am so proud of myself! I had a really horrendous crave episode on Monday night, but I had some Habitrol which really helped. Someone was smoking outside and the smoke just wafted in everywhere.
I was gasping for a cigarette and I was afraid I was never going to get past this stage. The whyquit website resets people's counters back to day one when they break down and smoke "just one" or take a replacement. But this is my website so I'm going to celebrate! I hate being addicted to it. I've missed so much in life because of smoking. Being so anxious over at visits to friends that I couldn't enjoy myself because my whole day was timed around the "first one".
Not going to places because I couldn't smoke there. Being foggy and ill with constant sinus problems. Not being able to be fully creative in my studio because of the background concern of lowering nicotine levels in my brain taking up unconscious and then conscious mental space. The fact that I don't have health insurance and smoking is like russian roulette for someone with my genetic background. (My poor grandma was so sick with cancer, her cancer had cancer, practically :( )
Now I'm back to my childhood addiction. Eating pretzels in a ritualistic manner that involves carefully nibbling off the round parts and then eating the remaining triangle.
Thanks for letting me share.