Saturday, September 10, 2005

Some format changes, etc.

Sorry about all the testing. My image software that was recommended by this site has taken a powder. But now I can publish photos directly thru the blog software (not able before, why, who knows...) so I'm just trying to figure out how it works. The nice thing is I don't have to think of a caption for each picture to publish a photo! Yeah!

Anyway. Obviously, this are more pics from the engine rooms of the QM. Sorry some are dark and blurry. It's dark in the engine rooms, but everything is made out of brass, so if you use the flash: *POW*, one big light show!

I have a few more QM pics I'd like to post, just because I think this boat ended up being really influential on my work. And, heck, art deco science instruments...what's not to like?

Next up, I have a post about seeing the Jean-Michel Basquiat show at the LAMOCA. For right now, go, go, go, go see it. The short review: he was a friggin' genius. The movie does not capture the MONSTER brains this guy had to have to create what he did. I was blown away. Tons of good stuff. Go. We parked at 1st and Beaudry for $4.00 dollars in downtown L.A.

More later.

P.S. I have shut off the comments feature to all but registered Blogger users. I got my first spam, so, sorry. Don't want ads on my site.