Wednesday, July 23, 2008

iPodliness is next to Godliness

It only took me 24 hours...but now I have Pandora on my iPod touch.

I had to download iPod touch software 2.0. I accidentally downloaded it twice in my excitement so the next time I see you Ffaelan, I have software for you. So I paid twice...tres stupide. But no matter. I forged on. I hooked up my device for syncing. Then the computer (laptop) tells me that since it has less than a gig of memory left on it, it cannot back up my iPod stuff so it's just going to go ahead and delete all that m'kay? Uh, hells no!!

The last genious time I did that it took me four bleeding hours to get everything back the way I wanted it. So it was time to make room on the computer. I have several movies and tv shows on here that I've always meant to burn to dvd, so I thought I would go ahead and do that and delete them off the hard drive.

Problem. The only DVD burner I have on here evidently is iTunes. Which will not import the video files into it's own format. Why? Not enough memory on the computer. Ack.

So I figure I will just take photo files off the beast to make just enough room for the iPod to do its thing. We have 1 gig stick drive. I hook that bad boy up. I open it up. I open up the photo file. They crash and freeze the computer. This happens for 3 hours. The virus software is running and refuses to halt despite all my foaming at the mouth. Alex tries. It works for him, and then crashes on me. We are watching Beowulf and I'm beginning to really sympathize with Grendel as he rends beefy thanes limb to limb.

Finally AVG hands back control of the hard drive but I'm too exhausted to make more than a token effort. I go to bed. On awakening manage to get AVG to quit (why it needs to scan the hard drive for 12 hours a day is a real mystery to me). I move a gig of pictures and video files over to the stick drive. Success!

An hour of futzing around and I get 2.0 installed on the iPod. I download the Pandora app. It won't work.

By now I am calm. After four fruitless tries, I uninstall and reinstall. Success!

Yes, Pandora is worth all that.

That is all.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

I promise I'm not going to turn this into a video blog...

Jon Stewart Interview

Blogger's hating the embed code so follow the link to hear how David Sedaris quit smoking.

I saw this broadcast on The Daily Show during "Week 2" of my quit. I'd heard of David Sedaris but naturally like everything else, I am the last one getting around to him. This broadcast was the only thing to put a smile on my face that week. I just bought Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim and finished it pretty fast. I bought myself some books to celebrate Month 3. I also got Steampunk (edited by Ann & Jeff Vandermeer) and Collapse by Jared Diamond.